Driving-Efficiency-Through Low-Code-App Development

IT Strategy: Driving Efficiency Through Low-Code App Development

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As an IT professional, you are in the eye of the digital transformation “storm,” often with limited resources. From network maintenance to app development, compliance and security to systems integration, your work is important to many parts of your organization.

Low-code doesn’t mean low-powered. With the extensibility of Power Apps to connect to hundreds of other apps, business systems, and databases, IT teams can use it to tackle in-depth and complex challenges, making app development much more efficient for professional developers.

Learn how to reduce costs and increase the agility of your IT resources when you read the e-book, IT Strategy: Driving Efficiency Through Low-Code App Development. Discover reasons why IT leaders are turning to low-code app development platforms, such as:

  • Reducing IT backlog while driving innovation across the organization.
  • Allowing anyone in the organization—not just developers—the ability to create apps with drag and drop simplicity.
  • Digitizing time-consuming manual, repetitive, and paper-based tasks by setting up automated workflows.