Nonprofit resource guide for database migration

Migrating to Azure: Nonprofit resource guide for
database migration

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Learn how to plan and implement a successful cloud migration strategy for your databases. Get tools, resources, and best practices to simplify your migration. See how other nonprofits accelerated their mission, improved scalability, and optimized costs with Azure.

Read this e-book to learn how to:

  • Develop the migration strategy that best suits your needs.
  • Successfully move SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, NoSQL, and other databases to Azure.
  • Simplify your migration with free tools like Azure Database Migration Service and SQL Server Migration Assistant.
  • Optimize your database costs, performance, and security after migration to get the most from your investment.
  • Empower your staff with many free and low-cost courses, demos, and trainings categorized by experience level so you can advance your mission with cloud-powered technology.